Happenings 2006 – 2009
Tango took a Major Reserve Winners Dog out of the 9-12 Puppy Class at the Windham County show under judge Wendy McNaughton, Kazorp Labradors and another Reserve Winners Dog under Sue Willumsen, Willcare Labradors, at the Ladies Dog Club show in Providence, RI on Friday. Congratulations to Mel and Tango. What a team!
Pawcatuck Labrador Retriever Club Back-to-Back Specialty
Thursday’s show…
• Emmylou – 2nd in 9-12 Regular (Clare Senfield, Allegheny Labradors)2nd 9-12 Sweeps (Carol Heidl, Tabatha Labradors)
• Tango – 1st 9-12 Regular (Marion Hopkinson, Rocheby Labradors)2nd 9-12 Sweeps (Carol Heidl) Friday’s show…
• Emmylou – 1st 9-12 Regular (Marion Hopkinson)2nd 9-12 Sweeps (Jean DeGuira, Crossfire Labradors)
• Tango – 3rd 9-12 Regular (Clare Senfield)3rd 9-12 Sweeps (Jean DeGuira)6.09
• Lucy completed her Utility title with three first-place ribbons and scores in the 190s! Michelle and Lucy you are an incredible team. They began training for their Master Hunting title!!
• Lucy kicked her Utility competition off with a bang! First time in the Utility ring, Michelle and Lucy earned their first leg with a score of 194.5 and a 1st place, and proceeded to earn a second leg the second time in the ring with a score of 192.5 and another 1st place!! These two are unstoppable! Congratulations, Michelle.

Lucy Pictured with Ribbons by completing her CDX with 2–second place and 1–third-place ribbon! Lucy was expertly handled and trained by her owner, Michelle Howe.
We have babies! Our much anticipated Louie x Bella puppies have arrived.
December 3, 2008
• 3 black boys, 2 black girls, 2 yellow boys6.08
• May we present to you our first Senior Hunter!!
Nycoma Way’s Dolcissima CGC WC SH CDX
June 1, 2008
Treasure Valley Retriever Club
Fruitland, ID• Lucy and Michelle are what we call the “dream team”. They have respect and enormousconfidence in each other that continually drives them to success in whatever they decideto undertake. Congratulations to them both.
• Ch. Nycoma Way Tanzy Simply Bella WCBest of Opposite SexNew England Sporting Dog ClubMarch 15, 2008Judge: Laura Dedering, Folklaur LabradorsThank you Laura for this wonderful honor with an entry of over 150 Labradors!
• Nycoma Way’s Dolcissima CGC WC JH CDX
• “Lucy” continued her amazing ways by completing her CDX with two second place and one third-place ribbon! Lucy was expertly handled and trained by her owner, Michelle Howe.

Lucy earned the first leg of her senior hunt title at the Labrador Retriever Club National Specialty
AKC Senior Hunt Test!
• Nycoma Way’s Dolcissima CGC WC JH CD
• “Lucy” earned the first leg of her Open obedience title!! Lucy and her owner/handler/trainer, Michelle Howe, are doing amazing things. They are well on their way to new titles and wonderful accomplishments. Keep up the great work, Michelle!! And all of this accomplished within 5 months of moving to a brand new home and halfway across the country.10.07
• Nycoma Way’s Dolcissima CGC WC JH CDWe are thrilled to announce that Lucy earned the first leg of her senior hunt title at the Labrador Retriever Club National SpecialtyAKC Senior Hunt Test October 6, 2007 Location: Sauvie Island, Oregon
• Lucy was expertly handled to this great accomplishment by her owner, Michelle. Thank you so much, Michelle, for taking such good care of Lucy and for taking the time to train her to her potential. Congratulations to a spectacular team!9.07
• Nycoma Way and Tanzy Labradors have their first homebred AKC Champion!
• Ch. Nycoma Way Tanzy Simply Bella WC We are absolutely thrilled!! Bella finished with three majors -two owner-handled by Heather, with the last one a Specialty Winners Bitch and Best of Winners! Thank you to Norman Grenier, PHA for securing Bella’s second major!! AND….Bella earned her WC the following weekend superbly handled to her title by Marie at the Pawcatuck River Labrador Retriever Club test on September 15, 2007.
• Lucy earned her first leg towards her UDX title. Congratulations Michelle and Lucy!!12.06
• Nycoma Way Tanzy Simply Bella Reserve Winners Bitch, 4-point major Eastern Dog Club, December 2006 Michael Silva, Shadowbrook Labradors
• Winners Bitch, Best of Winners 3-point majorMiddlesex Kennel Club-December 2006 Ms. Betsy Horn Humer
Thank you, Norman, for handling Bella to this lovely win!11.06
• Winners Bitch, Best of Winners, Best Bred-by Exhibitor 3-point major Framingham Kennel Club November 2006 Elizabeth Wenner, Surry Labradors
• Winners Bitch, Best of Winners, Best Bred-by Souhegan Kennel Club-November 2006 Mr. Carl Anderson